Monday, August 30, 2010

Heathly Diet

I dont think I have a healthy diet because i know what i eat and my doctor knows what i eat too just from looking at me.I have a bad habit of eating not so good types of food but i really would like to have a healthy diet.

What makes our food healthy is the things that is contacted in the food,such as the fruits and vegtables!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

world Problem

a problem in the world that i would like to solve is the pollution in the air and in the water (the oil) that is causing the animals not to be able to fly due to too much oil on there wings.The oil spill is a really big thing.

I would conduct this experiment by gathering people up from the community and have a sign up for cleaning off the animals in the oceans and i would do this by getting the animals and cleaning them off from the oil spill.